Quete Of The Month

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
"Una chica debe ser dos cosas: clásica y fabulosa"


I wish it would be me.... Just Dior

Dios!!! Hoy ha sido un dia muy largo y agotador. Esta mañana fui de compras (y compre mi vestido para Noche Vieja...y bueno, un par de cosillas mas), ha sido un dia lluvioso y frío a si que no sali mucho de casa, limpie mi cuarto, re-organice mi armario y fui a visitar a los familiares que no pude saludar el día de Navidad. Nada muy interesante.

God!!! Today has been a very looong and busy day. This morning I went on shooping and I bought my New Year Eve's dress and well, a couple of things more, hihi... it'was a ranning and cold day so I didn't go so much out, (exept for the shopping) I stayed at home: I cleaned up my room and the closet and I went to visite some relatives I
couldn't see on Christmas Day. Nothing really interesting.

Isn't beautiful???

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