¡¡¡¿A quién puede no gustarles?!!!

La verdad es que no sabría decir cuál es mi favorita, pues ambas consiguen inspirarme, Ashley tiene un estilo clásico-chic, siempre impecable, consiguiendo que la prenda más clásica luzca como si fuera las más trendy, y Mary Kate es la más arriesgada, no siempre suele gustarme, lo mío con ella es una relación amor-odio, pero cuando acierta: ACIERTA!!!! Y no hay nada, absolutamente nada de lo que pueda quejarme, y cuando falla, bueno… falla, pero siempre puedes conseguir algo, un estampado, un accesorio, cualquier cosa, de la que puedes influenciarte. Además una cosa es clara, si Mary Kate lo lleva, es cuestión de tiempo que TODAS lo llevemos.
Who can don’t like them??????
On the occasion of the publication of their first book “INFLUENCE”, which inspires me on the name of this blog, I decided to upload some of my favorite outfits of them. Being honest, they were who introduce me into the fashion world, since I used to watch their Tv-shows and movies (yes I know: pathetic, but I was 13) because their looks and since then I’m a totally a fan of them.

To be honest, I could not say which one is my favorite, since both of them inspired me, Ashley has a classic-chic style, always flawless, making any piece of cloths looking as if it were the most trendy. Mary Kate is the most risky, don’t always like her, my relationship with her is love-hate, but when she is right, SHE IS RIGHT!!!,and when she’s wrong, well… she’s wrong, but even then you can get some inspire from it, a print, an accessory, anything you can get inspiring. Besides one thing is clear, if Mary Kate wears it, is a matter of time, before ALL of us wear it.

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