2008 Most Elegant Women: Diane Kruger

Adoro a esta chica, no solo me parece guapisima, si no que tiene un estilo impecable, clace y presencia, es sexy pero elegante, clasica (discreta) pero moderna, sabe cuando arriesgar y como hacerlo, lo cuál no siempre es fácil, pero ella lo consigue.

I adore Diane Kruger, I think she's so beautiful, elegant, classic, fresh, stylish, she has everything I want (even the boyfriend). Her looks are always perfect, unpolluted, flawless, she knows exactly the clothes does fit her,( what is not dificcult obviously, she´s such a gorgeus girl) she knos how to combine a vintage dress with a trendy clutch or shoes and she's discrete with the jewlery and the make up. She's just very, very stylish.
The Best of 2008
Estos son, en mi opiniom, la personas que han aportado más estilo al año. ¿Que os parece a vosotros? Si creeis que falta alguien o sobra, ya sabeis que hacer.
Well tomorrow it will be the last day of the year, so I thought it would be a good idea reviewing the best of it... These are, in my opiniom, the people who have contributed over the year on our style, if you think someone is missing or someone should't be there, you know what to do, leave a comment.
Celebirities's Closet
Eva Longoria-Parker

Daria Werbowy

Yesterday I did organize my closet, putting all the skirts, shorts and scarf on a side, in the other side the dresses and coats, the jewlery in a drawer, ect. And while I was doing it, I thought how the celebrities organize their clothes, what kind og wardrobe do they have, so I checked on the internet and this is what I found...
Nicky Hilton

Nicole Richie
Rachel Zoe
I wish it would be me.... Just Dior

Isn't beautiful???
Lindsay's Back

Coco Chanel

Photo Title
Bueno hoy que tengo tiempo queria mejorar mi blog poniendo una foto como titulo, pero nada, no hay forma!!!! He buscado y buscado tutoriales, pero no hay forma de entenderlo y mucho menos de hacerlo, asi que me he rendido y la coloco aqui, ya esta. Espero poder aprender a hacerlo algun dia.

Well today I had time,so I wanted to improve my blog posting a picture as a title, but nothing, is impossible!!! I tryed looking on the internet how to do it, but it is so difficult to understand and impossible to do it, so I've given up and here it is. Hope one day I'll learn how to do it.
Feliz Navidad!!!!

My Style

CamisaLarga /Long Shirt: Stradivarius
Shorts: Bershka
Rebecca/Cardigan: Zara Basic
Botas/Boots: Primark
Well here I am again uploading the blog, this time I'm posting some of my own outfit, sorry for the bad quality but I took it against the mirror and whithout flash, but you can appreciate the outfit quiete well. hope you like, and I'll wait for your comments.

Rebeca de /Cashmere Cardigan: Zara Basic
Bufanda / Scarf: Accessorize
Chaqueta / Military Jacket: Candem Market

La verdad es que no sabría decir cuál es mi favorita, pues ambas consiguen inspirarme, Ashley tiene un estilo clásico-chic, siempre impecable, consiguiendo que la prenda más clásica luzca como si fuera las más trendy, y Mary Kate es la más arriesgada, no siempre suele gustarme, lo mío con ella es una relación amor-odio, pero cuando acierta: ACIERTA!!!! Y no hay nada, absolutamente nada de lo que pueda quejarme, y cuando falla, bueno… falla, pero siempre puedes conseguir algo, un estampado, un accesorio, cualquier cosa, de la que puedes influenciarte. Además una cosa es clara, si Mary Kate lo lleva, es cuestión de tiempo que TODAS lo llevemos.
Who can don’t like them??????
On the occasion of the publication of their first book “INFLUENCE”, which inspires me on the name of this blog, I decided to upload some of my favorite outfits of them. Being honest, they were who introduce me into the fashion world, since I used to watch their Tv-shows and movies (yes I know: pathetic, but I was 13) because their looks and since then I’m a totally a fan of them.

To be honest, I could not say which one is my favorite, since both of them inspired me, Ashley has a classic-chic style, always flawless, making any piece of cloths looking as if it were the most trendy. Mary Kate is the most risky, don’t always like her, my relationship with her is love-hate, but when she is right, SHE IS RIGHT!!!,and when she’s wrong, well… she’s wrong, but even then you can get some inspire from it, a print, an accessory, anything you can get inspiring. Besides one thing is clear, if Mary Kate wears it, is a matter of time, before ALL of us wear it.

Mélanie Huynh


Well, is quite late and I'm so tired, but I wanted to writte something down and put some pictures of some outfit that inspiring me for dressing myself up day by bay. Hope you like.

P.D: Las fotos son sacadas de internet, si alguna es tuya o sabes de quien es, contacta con migo para dar tu nombre y tu pagina web o para retirarla si es lo que quieres.
Alexander Wang Fall-Winter 2008/09
Bueno, para la sorpresa de nadie, ire con el primero de todos: ALEXANDER WANG. Para ser honesta no sabia nada de él hasta el año pasado, habia oido algo de el, pero no le di mucha importacia, entonces vi su show, y a Erin Wasson con sus diseños y ME ENAMORE!!!! En mi opiniom una exposición del look californiano llevado a la oscuridad, al mas puro estilo: Cory Kennedy, Willa Holland y no se por que me recuerda a ciertos looks de las Olsen, de MK para ser exactos.
Well, I know I’m quite late compared with the rest of the bloggers, because all of them are writing about Spring –Summer 2009 but I’ want to talk about Fall-Winter 2008-2009, and about the designers I loved.
Well, surprising no one, I’ll start with my favorite this year: ALEXANDER WANG. To be honest I didn’t know anything about him until last year, I heard something about him, but I didn’t care much, until I saw his show and Erin Wasson with his designs and I FALLEN IN LOVE!!!!! In my opinion is an exposition of the Californians Look taken to the dark side, kind of: Cory Kannedy, Willa Hollan and some time to Mary Kate Olsen.

Let's Go...
Influence-Style: La moda, el estilo, el glamour... creo que no hay nada más que me apasione en el mundo, me tiro horas y horas buscando imágenes en internet, leyendo revistas de moda, viendo lo último en pasarela, ojeando editoriales y por supuesto, persiguiendo a mis celebrities favoritas para ver qué es lo último, lo más!!!! Esa prenda, complemento, accesorio que necesito y tengo que tener y que haré todo lo posible por conseguirlo.
Bueno, a si pues, parece que aquí empieza mi aventura bloguera, espero que os guste y os animéis a comentar, XOXO.
Well, well, so finally I decided to start my own blog, I don't think is going to be easy, because I'm not good on it, but well, let’s try it!!!
Influence-Style: Fashion, Style, Glamour... there's nothing more important to me than this, is my passion, is my dream, is what I want to be: a Fashion Stylist. I spend hours and hours, reading magazines, watching runaway shows, looking for new looks, and fallowing my favorite celebrities to see what's new, what's a must!!!! These Items, Complement, accessorise that I'll need, that I have to have!!!
So here I go, hope you like and I'm looking forward for your comments, XOXO.
P.S: Sorry for my English, I know is not good enough but I'm learning.