About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was part of him - and I didn’t know how potentthat part might be
- that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocablyin love with him.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocablyin love with him.
Sinceramente, cuando mi amiga Angela me dijo que queria ir a ver la pelicula Twilight (Crepusculo) pense que seria una de esas pelis que entretienen, pero que son para ver solo una vez.
Cuando la peli comenzo mi opiniom sobre la misma parecia que no iba a cambiar demasiado, pero juro que mi corazón (y no estoy exagerando) dio un vuelco en el momento que Edward Cullen, o mejor dicho Robert Pattinson, entro en la cafeteria del instituto redeado de ese halo de misterio, cara de malicia, pero sobre todo, esos ojos atormentados, y supe que esta no seria una pelicula cualquiera, y mucho menos para ver solo una vez, , de hecho ya la he visto cuatro veces en una semana.
Pero mi obsesion por Twilight incrementa por momentos, ya me he comprado los tres primeros libros, he leido todo lo referente a los actores principales de la pelicula, me he tragado horas y horas de videos en el youtube y no paro de buscar info a ver si dicen algo nuevo sobre la siguiente pelicula "New Moon".
"What If I'm not the hero? - What if I'm the bad Guy?"

Por no hablar de Robert Pattinson, Los ojos azules mas bonitos que he visto nunca, una sonrisa picarona que te desarma y esos pelos revoltosos, que siendo sincenra en otro chico me moriria de la risa, pero en él: simplemente me encanta, eso es chicas, nunca pense que diria esto, pero ya es ofiacil: a los 24 años HE VUELTO A LA EDAD DEL PAVO!!!!!!!!
Honestly, when my friend Angela asked me to go with her to watch Twilight, I didn't thought I was going to love it as much as I do now, I though it was going to be one of those entertaiment movies, but that's all, and it wasn't, was more than that, I just felt in love with the movie, the books, Bella & Edward's love story, and of course Robert Pattinson!!!!
I've already watched the movie 4 time in a week, I almost know all the dialogues, I've watched all the videos you can find in YouTube about it, I don't know, is my newest obsession, I never though i was going to say this, but is oficial, at my 24 for year old, I've came back to the awkward age!!!!!
I've already watched the movie 4 time in a week, I almost know all the dialogues, I've watched all the videos you can find in YouTube about it, I don't know, is my newest obsession, I never though i was going to say this, but is oficial, at my 24 for year old, I've came back to the awkward age!!!!!

- I'm not gonna end your life Bella.
- I'm Dying, allready. Any second, I get closer... older
- Is the way supposed to be